Friday, January 6, 2012

Mitosis (growing out of your cells)

  • What is Mitosis? 
Mitosis is the process by which a eukaryotic cell separates the chromosomes in its cell nucleus into two identical sets, in two separate nuclei.
  • Do the cells in your body go through mitosis?
  Yes, our body do go through mitosis because when we grow we need to make more cells.That's when   mitosis steps in. It makes more cells by cutting our pre-existing cells in half.
  • Chloroplast makes sugar for the plant. What is the sugar made of?
There are three elaments that make upthe sugar. It's carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
  • what did we see in the lettuce?
In the lettuce I seen stomata, which is how plants breathe.

  • What other parts of the plant cell could you see in your lettuce?
The other plant cells in the lettuce is the cell membrane and the chlorphyl.

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