Friday, March 23, 2012

Real Cells

A Chloroplast is a chlorophyll-containing plastid found in algal and green plant cells.
AChlorophyll is any of a group of green pigments that are found in the chloroplasts of plants and in other photosynthetic organisms such as cyanobacteria, especially: 
A waxy blue-black microcrystalline green-plant pigment, C55H72MgN4O5, with a characteristic blue-green alcohol solution.
  • Are cells alive?
No because it doesn't reproduce as other organisms do.
  • Where are cells located in your body?
Your cells are often found in your blood or more specificly in your organs.

  • Where do the cells in your body get energy from?How do they know what to do?Where do they get their directions from?
The cell gets its energy when nutritional components of  food are oxidized by the oygen of inspiration in mitochondria.The bonds break and energy is released in the process which is trapped in the energy rich compounds ATP. When the cells need energy a phosphate bond breaks and energy is released for performing particular cellular activity.

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Planet Earth's Layers

The layers of our Earth is the : - crust
                                              - mantle
                                              - outer core
                                          & - inner core.

The layers of the Earth's atmosphere starts with the Troposphere
                                                               then the - Tropopause
                                                               then the - Stratosphere
                                                               then the - Mesosphere
                                                               then the - Mesopause
                                                               then the - Thermosphere
                                                               then the - Thermopause
                                                           & then the - Exosphere (outer space).

The Troposphere is the the first layer above the Earth and the layer to have weather occur in.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Mitosis (growing out of your cells)

  • What is Mitosis? 
Mitosis is the process by which a eukaryotic cell separates the chromosomes in its cell nucleus into two identical sets, in two separate nuclei.
  • Do the cells in your body go through mitosis?
  Yes, our body do go through mitosis because when we grow we need to make more cells.That's when   mitosis steps in. It makes more cells by cutting our pre-existing cells in half.
  • Chloroplast makes sugar for the plant. What is the sugar made of?
There are three elaments that make upthe sugar. It's carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
  • what did we see in the lettuce?
In the lettuce I seen stomata, which is how plants breathe.

  • What other parts of the plant cell could you see in your lettuce?
The other plant cells in the lettuce is the cell membrane and the chlorphyl.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Animal Cells And Their Functions

They're quite a few parts in an animal cell.Thugh im only going to clearly state 3 parts and their functions.
  • Theres a Nucleus in the animal cell and it controlls basicly all of the cells. It's the brain of the animal cell.        
  • Theres also a Mitochondrian and it break down food and release energy into the cell.
  • Theres also Ribosomes that make protein for the cell.
This is an image of an animal cell.You can tell that this is an animal cell because it doesn't have a chloroplast like a plant cell does.animal cell diagram with labels for. Images animal cell diagram